This unnerving black and white thriller combines the charming solidity of the 50s with the stylistic cinematography and the interesting weirdnesses of the 60s to great effect.
One Sentence Media Reviews
This unnerving black and white thriller combines the charming solidity of the 50s with the stylistic cinematography and the interesting weirdnesses of the 60s to great effect.
Whether or not you ever plan to write a short story, this amazing collection of ancient short stories, each one followed by George's inimitable dissection and philosophies, is absolutely inspiring, gorgeous, beautiful, and fun.
Columbo is as cute and demure as always, and the mystery and eventual solution is satisfying, but once again, just like the last time I tried this show, it didn’t really leave me wanting more.
Is it rough around almost all the edges, well yes sure, but it’s so nice to see entertainment break out of the standard staid molds and do something ambitious and weird - and it works!
This massive anthropological and sociological and archeological treatise on the development of human society is as ambitious as that sounds, and for the most part, largely, unbelievably, and altho it bogs down somewhat in certain sections, it succeeds - and succeeds especially in proving some fantastic and crucial points about what our foundational myths get wrong.
it’s cheesy, it’s naive, it didn’t age all that well, but on the other hand the characters are great, the dialog is funny, and the early 90s vibe is on point.
A little longer than necessary, bit exposition-heavy, some inconsistent ties to the books and the movies, but despite all that, a really effective and fun and creepy continuation of the shining story.
You know what it’s a fun and engaging little romp, altho on the other hand the action and writing is a little slapstick and there’s little actual substance or depth.
Incredible, classically Cronenberg effects and a trippy and philosophical story make this short, disturbing thriller a total winner.
I’m not sure how realistic any of it really is, I mean if it is that would be crazy and cool, but either way the sheer panache on display here in this legal thriller is really something.