Whimsical fun queer spy thriller drama with great characters, marred by cheesy soundtrack choices and decreasing writing quality in the final season.
One Sentence Media Reviews
Whimsical fun queer spy thriller drama with great characters, marred by cheesy soundtrack choices and decreasing writing quality in the final season.
This wonderful cold war spy thriller classic pretty much created and defined the counter espionage thriller style, as I understand it, and all I can say is it lives up to every bit of praise - dense, thoughtful, taut, touching.
Pretends to be YA sci fi but is in reality a devastatingly sad indictment of the american lifestyle, and an effective one too.
An incredibly ambitious and surprisingly successful tale, totally different from Doerr’s last novel, totally captivating and dynamic, full of twists and memorable characters.
This long and well-researched history of dylan, guthrie, and the 1913 calumet massacre seems like just the kind of thing I would gobble up - but honestly it felt like a slog the whole time, just too unfocused to keep me completely engaged; the author set out to tie together a series of interconnected timelines, but they just don’t quite gel.
This is the cutest most wonderful short little documentary about four different babies from four different countries; it has almost no plot and no dialogue and if you just want a relaxing time watching some adorable babies well it doesn’t get any better than this.