An intriguing, winding, haunting tale of interlocking narratives and people, simultaneously unpretentious and profound, full of both wonder and pain.
One Sentence Media Reviews
An intriguing, winding, haunting tale of interlocking narratives and people, simultaneously unpretentious and profound, full of both wonder and pain.
A lot of the neurology research in this couples therapy primer may feel sort of remedial if you’ve been attentive to the field for the last decade, but the second half of the book helpfully applies that research to an example couple over the course of many chapters, and has some interesting examples of therapeutic exercises to learn from along the way.
This is an amazing, weird, disturbing, and sometimes slow movie, with a surreal and compelling take on class, religion, and society.
This short and sweet little romp about all things halloween is the perfect movie to watch on halloween with all your friends who like halloween
If you can follow Shakespeare’s dialogue or are a fan of Macbeth, the intriguing directorial choices in this adaptation are a real treat - I especially appreciated the stark simplicity and restraint in the setting.