I maintain that this is a top tier B thriller, helped along by a youngish vin diesel and some great cinematography - taut, interesting, somewhat corny, cool reveals.
One Sentence Media Reviews
I maintain that this is a top tier B thriller, helped along by a youngish vin diesel and some great cinematography - taut, interesting, somewhat corny, cool reveals.
It's harsh, difficult, gorgeous, evoking Melville and Homer; it's discursive, melodious, unique, distressing, 15% too long, utterly unapologetic - I didn't really like Blood Meridian, but it's quite obviously a monumental masterpiece.
After reading such masterpiece biographies as Caro on Moses or Kinross on Ataturk, Whyte on Hoover comes across as a little light, a little bland, if well-written - but taken on its own merits, I will say that it has fascinating implications regarding the differences between FDR and Hoover, and what could have been.
Unfortunately uneven - starts out engrossing and intense, wraps up maudlin and oversentimental.