It strikes me that as a culture we love movies about corrupt politicians committing atrocities and finally getting stopped by lone ex-special forces moral heroes, but we don’t seem to have a lot of heroes in real life.
One Sentence Media Reviews
It strikes me that as a culture we love movies about corrupt politicians committing atrocities and finally getting stopped by lone ex-special forces moral heroes, but we don’t seem to have a lot of heroes in real life.
Really not a good movie, not sure why it was on my list, terrible line delivery, would’ve been funnier if every wife was played by the same actor, anyway utterly skippable.
I think if you don’t take it too seriously this very over the top and very unique drama (themes include body building, drug abuse, family difficulties, lgbt romance, weapons smuggling) could be a lot of fun, almost great - but it’s also quite violent and sometimes disturbing.
Not sure what possessed me to read this short, famous political manifesto from 1960 but it was neat to get back to primary sources and gauge this guy’s opinions for myself; naturally I think he was mostly misguided and crazy, but he brings up a lot of interesting thoughts, particularly about self-reliance - a concept mostly ignored by conservatives today.
Grossman is a very skilled writer, and in The Bright Sword he tries his hand at a Golden Compass or American Gods style mythology-meets-religion epic, set in Arthurian legend, and I think he pulls off exactly what he intended, complete with many adventures and fever dream logic and intensity, but when all is said and done the problem is it’s just not that compelling, I didn’t really care about the characters enough, I think Grossman was so focused on the history and artifice he missed the pathos.
short animated children’s tale is anything but childish, really beautiful and unique animation style, deep and interesting, easily worth the watch on youtube.
It may bill itself as a history of Israeli assassinations, but this incredibly well-researched history functions surprisingly well as a fact-focused and unbiased cross-sectional history of Israel from before its founding to much more recently, and I have finished it with a much deeper understanding of the regional geopolitics.
Outland fails because it’s right in the center of the camp / drama spectrum - too serious for accidental hilarity, too goofy and underdeveloped for serious art.
Great to see all the old grainy black and white footage of regular people in wisconsin in 1960, and some of the behind the scenes looks at jfk and humphrey - I nerd out for this sort of history stuff.
Even though this classic old drama only really has one point / joke to make, it makes it every well, and is worth a watch - the only other funny thing about it is that it feels like it was shot a decade earlier, not sure why.
This incredible spy intelligence thriller had me hooked from jump, PSH and the other cast are just perfect, what I really liked was how realistic and complex the writing was - no cheap tricks, just hard lessons.
Interesting sci-fi novel clearly converted from a series of shorts, interesting from emotional/character perspective and well written (short, packing a punch), some questionable setup elements and a terrible epilogue.
Very well-written history of financial fraud, lay perspective, readable but complex, sometimes funny, overall just super cool.
Jack Nicholson is always great at playing a stylish asshole, and in this character study of a lost and broken former piano player he does that quite well; movie didn’t have much more of a point to it than that tho.
In the ever expanding genre of “former special forces gets messed with by the wrong crooked organization”, this netflix original action thriller is well acted but poorly shot and only semi-adequately written.