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Showing posts from February, 2025

Pontypool (2009)

Another hilariously bad movie from the Boonta Vista podcast extended movie lore universe, Pontypool is very Canadian and very silly, and I can't really recommend it because it doesn't work in any way, but I guess if you are like, drunk with friends and hoping for a dumb horror movie to watch that isn't very scary but does have some gore, you could do worse.

Café Society (2016)

I really like Eisenberg and Stewart in American Ultra so I gave this a chance but really woody allen should’ve stopped in the 70s; this was short but felt long, just schlocky, overdone, boring, self-indulgent, unbelievable, and annoying. 

Swiss Army Man (2016)

It’s sad when a really creative, different approach to modern  storytelling falls a little flat, since so many movies today are so cookie-cutter and I’d love to see more weird ones, but parts of this one definitely worked and it was truly creative so a mild round of applause is due. 

Smile (1975)

It’s possible to watch this funny, complex mid seventies dramadey as a “dazed and confused” style teen farce OR as a “Shampoo” style adult drama about teens, but to get the most out of it, and it really is quite good, you have to watch it as both at once. 

Conclave (2024)

As a person of faceblind it’s hard for me to follow a movie with 2-3 identically haired/aged/raced/gendered people, but i hung in there and enjoyed this deep look at pope stuff - it’s true what everyone says, it seems like it would be boring, but if you watch it at 1.75x speed it really pulls you in. 

La Belle Verte (1996)

Even though I guess in hindsight the whole "outsider coming to show us how our society is silly and helping people disconnect and appreciate creation" thing is a well-used trope, this 90s french film does it so so damn well, it's just gorgeous, and beautiful, and every moment of it was perfect and funny and nice, and I loved it.